This clinic provides specific treatment in their domain of expertise. No baseline testing or rehabilitation services available.
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A Mind For All Seasons.

Specific Treatment
About Us
7655 West Riverside Drive, Boise, ID, US
Concussion Services
Concussion Treatment
Hours of Operation
Monday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


  • Randy Vawdrey photo
    Randy Vawdrey.
    Nurse Practitioner

    Active Release TherapyAcupuncture/DryneedlingCognitive AssessmentDietary/Supplement Interventions/AdviceFunctional/Naturopathic MedicineMyofascial ReleaseNeck Manipulation
    Since his graduation in 1998 from BYU in Nursing, Randy’s career has blossomed into a focus on the identification and treatment of neuroinflammatory disorders. This includes treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI), linger symptoms from concussions, integrative treatments of mental health disorders, COVID long-hauler’s syndrome, and the prevention and treatment of dementia. Randy’s experience as uniquely prepared him to think outside of the proverbial treatment box! He has been the Program Director for Portneuf Valley Hospital’s Gerontological Psychiatric Hospital. Randy has completed an advanced pharmaceutical certification at McLean Hospital (Psychiatric Teaching Hospital for Harvard Medical School) in 2003. He finished his Grad school at Idaho State University in 2004, served as the Director of the Psychotropic Drug Review at the Idaho State Veteran’s Home (2004 – 2010), CEO/NP-C at Physicians Immediate Care and Physicians Optimal Health (2005 – present) and Medical Director of A Mind For All Seasons (2017 – present). Randy has written over 1000 treatment plans addressing various forms of brain fog and neurodegenerative disorders. If you brain is not working well… Randy is your guy!