À propos de nous
Innovative, trustworthy, supportive Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Remedial Massage Therapists in a warm and family-friendly clinic, servicing the general public, elite athletes, Work Cover and NDIS participants, and health care professionals. At Physio Inq Sutherland, we have registered concussion care specialist Physiotherapists working every weekday.
39 East Parade, Sutherland, NSW, AU
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Heures d'ouverture
dimanche | Fermé |
lundi | 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM |
mardi | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
mercredi | 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM |
jeudi | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
vendredi | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
samedi | Fermé |
- Jana Liaros.Physical TherapistBAppSc(ExPhys)(Hons)Active Release TherapyAcupuncture/DryneedlingExercise RehabNeck RehabVestibular RehabJana graduated from Sydney university with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) (Honours) and from the University of Technology Sydney with a Masters of Physiotherapy. She now has over three years of clinical experience, specializing in head and neck conditions. She has a strong passion for treating concussions, cervicogenic headaches, neck pain, and vestibular conditions. With a keen interest in evidence-based rehabilitation, Jana is dedicated to providing comprehensive care that empowers patients to recover from head and neck injuries. She is committed to advancing her expertise in concussion management and strives to be a first-line provider for individuals recovering from concussive injuries. Jana integrates a hands-on approach with targeted exercise therapy to optimize patient outcomes, ensuring a well-rounded and effective rehabilitation process.
- Ryan Pascoe.PhysiotherapistDPT, BNActive Release TherapyExercise RehabMyofascial ReleaseNeck RehabVestibular RehabVision RehabRyan is a passionate Physiotherapist with a history in Emergency Nursing, and a keen interest in sports, lower limb soft tissue injuries, head/neck issues and fractures. Ryan is a registered CCMI practitioner, which means he has done specialised training in concussion care. He loves inspiring people to go back to doing all the things they enjoy. He has worked as the Lead Physiotherapist for the Sydney University Women’s Rugby Union team and as a Sports Trainer for the GWS Giants.