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ProMotion Physical Therapy.

Réhabilitation et Traitement
À propos de nous
4141 5th Street, Unit 1, Rapid City, SD, US
Services de commotion cérébrale
Test de base
Traitement des commotions cérébrales
Revenir à Jouer/Travailler/Apprendre
Heures d'ouverture
lundi7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
mardi7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
mercredi7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
jeudi7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
vendredi7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


  • Phil  Busching photo
    Phil Busching.
    Physical Therapist
    PT, DPT

    Exercise RehabNeck RehabVestibular Rehab
    I have a 22-year history treating vestibular patients and a 12-year history of treating concussion patients. I am ImPACT trained and have completed a one-year Concussion Management course through Evidence in Motion and have completed Complete Concussion Management"s intensive program, including recertifications. Though I treat a standard fare of orthopedic disorders, vestibular and concussion patients are my favorite due to their complexity and the positive impact that proper management can have on them. They are a very engaging and gratifying group to treat.
  • Ian  Kopriva photo
    Ian Kopriva.
    Physical Therapist

    Cognitive RehabExercise RehabNeck ManipulationNeck RehabVestibular RehabVision Rehab