About Us
NEMUS Storo er en tverrfaglig klinikk med kiropraktorer, fysioterapeuter, massører, osteopat, akupunktør, psykolog, stressmestringsterapeut, ernæringsfysiolog, og yogainstruktør. Vi har to kiropraktorer med Mastergrad (MSc) i diagnostisk ultralyd. Vi har også mange gode samarbeidspartnere utenfor klinikken innen flere medisinske profesjoner.
Vitaminveien 6, 3.etg, Oslo, 03, NO
Concussion Services
Baseline Testing
Concussion Treatment
Return to Play/Work/Learn
Hours of Operation
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Saturday | Closed |
- Christian Haagensen.ChiropractorD.C., BSc, MSc(Chiro), MNKFActive Release TherapyAcupuncture/DryneedlingCognitive AssessmentCognitive RehabExercise RehabMyofascial ReleaseNeck ManipulationNeck RehabVestibular RehabVision RehabUtdanning: Master (MSc) Kiropraktikk: AECC University College 2018 Bachelor (BSc) kiropraktikk: AECC/Bournemouth University 2016 Basal Ultralyd NTNU 2020 Kurs: Hjernerystelse: Complete Concussion Management (CCMI) og «Concussion: prevention, detection and management» (Université Laval, Canada) Dry needling (Triggerpunktbehandling med nåler) Modul 1 Kognitiv terapi/NLP – Licensed by NGoH IASTM teknikk Opptrening rygg, Stuart McGill Idrettsrettet opptrening/Rehabilitering Craig Liebenson Idrettsmedisinsk Grunnkurs (Trinn 1 og 2) Interesseområder: Hode-/nakkeskader (hjernerystelse) Skulder Rygg (prolaps/isjias) Idrettsskader, Kampsport relaterte skader
- Øistein H. Haagensen.ChiropractorD.C., MSc Diagnostic Ultrasound (MSK), FFEAC, FRCC, MNCAExercise RehabMyofascial ReleaseNeck ManipulationNeck RehabVestibular RehabVision RehabChiropractor (DC) (AECC) 1989, MSc Diagnostic Ultrasound (AECC/Bournemouth University)2016, Founding Fellow of the European Academy of Chiropractic, Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractors (UK), Member of the Norwegian Chiropractors Association, Worked part time for 7 years at Neck and Back Outpatient Department at the Ullevål University Hospital of Oslo.