About Us
715 Young Street, Albury, NSW, AU
Concussion Services
Baseline Testing
Concussion Treatment
Return to Play/Work/Learn
Hours of Operation
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 8:00 AM - 7:30 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 7:30 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Saturday | Closed |
- Vaughan Saunders.Osteopathic PractitionerB Sc (Hlth Sc), M Hlth Sc (Osteo)Active Release TherapyAcupuncture/DryneedlingExercise RehabMyofascial ReleaseNeck ManipulationNeck RehabVaughan and his Sports & Spinal Albury Wodonga team are passionate about getting the best possible outcomes for their clients.
- Jack Saunders.Doctor of OsteopathyOSTActive Release TherapyAcupuncture/DryneedlingExercise RehabMyofascial ReleaseNeck ManipulationNeck Rehab
- Bailey Lang.Osteopathic PractitionerBailey has had an assortment of major and minor sporting injuries, which mostly came from her time spent on the netball court playing division one Premier League in Melbourne for 10 years. This peaked her interest in injury prevention and management, and how to best rehabilitate and condition the body in preparation for any activity. This includes pain in any location of the body, whether new or old. Bailey graduated from RMIT in 2013 with an undergraduate degree in Complementary Medicine and a Masters of Osteopathy. Prior to Osteopathy Bailey worked for Austin Health in Melbourne as an Allied Health Assistant after graduating from Exercise Science in 2007. This experience exposed her to many chronic diseases, injuries and other health conditions and worked alongside other health disciplines to discharge people as quickly as possible from hospital. This aspect is important to Bailey as she believes in getting people better as efficiently as possible and prescribing appropriate exercise and/or lifestyle changes to enable a speedy recovery. Bailey has also completed her Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology at the start of 2019, which has added another notch to her belt to help in the recovery of injuries. She is also very interested in chronic disease management and prevention.
- Cameron Bayliss.Osteopathic PractitionerCameron is ahome grown Beechworth lad. He went to school locally before moving to Melbourne to study Exercise Science at RMIT University. Whilst the knowledge he gained from this course was amazing, it also only fueled his desire to help people recover more rapidly from their injuries, and that desire to gain a deeper understanding is what lead him towards a career as an Osteopath. He completed his double degree in Osteopathy and Applied Science at RMIT University in 2018 before being unable to resist the offer to return back to the Albury Wodonga area. Cameron has a mad passion for sport, playing everything from football, cricket, tennis and basketball in his younger days before a string of injuries and major surgical operations forced a change of pace in his sporting pursuits, eventually finding his way to the more relaxed setting of the golf course. His multiple injuries and the associated recovery were one of the primary reasons Cameron was drawn to Osteopathy.
- Matthew Grantham.Osteopathic PractitionerAcupuncture/DryneedlingCognitive AssessmentCognitive RehabDietary/Supplement Interventions/AdviceExercise RehabMyofascial ReleaseNeck ManipulationNeck RehabNeuropsychological AssessmentVestibular RehabVision Rehab
- Rachel van der Veen.Physiotherapist